One of the most versatile actor in Bollywood industry, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, has always stunned the audience with his awesome acting skills. He always has proved his brilliance in the movie such as Gangs of Wasseypur part 1 and part 2, Badlapur, Raman Raghav 2.0 and many others. With films like Patang: The Kite, Miss Lovely, Haraamkhor and The Lunchbox among others that travelled to several international film festivals.
As quoted in Pinkvilla, Nawazuddin said that he just hopes that his thought on cinema does not get crooked. The kind of cinema he is doing always get an overwhelming response. The films are getting selected and recognised at prestigious festivals of the world. The appreciation that he gets as an actor is always great. He just hopes that his thought of doing good work continues and I do not get corrupt.
The ace actor hails from a small town in UP. While experiencing his first experience of the first movie, the actor said that initially, he used to feel awkward as it was not his culture but this is our nation's tradition and identity in the world like folk songs, folk dance, traditional plays. He further said that he is not saying one should go to training school. Self-education is essential as you understand things on your own. The taste of good cinema mounts in. Because of education, we get to know how to judge a good script. This is my taste and I will stay doing such kind of cinema in future.
When the actor has started his career that time the content of cinema was high and he says that he has the capability of choosing a good script because of education, the surroundings and the films that I have seen as a viewer.
The actor just wanted to be busy in Mumbai, just like how he was in Delhi. When there is no work then people think something is wrong as actually, you are wanting to work but still, there is no work.