Pakistan is plotting to bring down government in Afghanistan
Pakistan is plotting to bring down government in Afghanistan

Sadiqullah Rahi, brother of Dr. Najibullah, former President of India's friendly country Afghanistan, has said that Pakistan is supporting the Taliban to topple the elected government in Kabul. Speaking to ANI on the sidelines of the 43rd session of UN Human Rights in Geneva, Sedikullah said that the recent Afghan peace deal between the US and the Taliban is against the wishes of the people of Afghanistan.

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In his address, he said, "Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI has been supporting it since the Taliban arrived in Afghanistan. The Taliban in Afghanistan is representing the Pakistani military. Sedikullah said that the organization that signed the peace deal with the United States, I do not believe them. Neither I agree with him nor does anyone in Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan are very upset with this deal."

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He further said that the Taliban is a religious fundamentalist group in Afghanistan. The people of Afghanistan do not want them and they do not agree with them. The people of Afghanistan want a holy country. Afghan society is an Islamic society, but unfortunately, Pakistan wants to rule them under the Taliban. He said that the Taliban is a group that represents Pakistan's interests in Afghanistan.

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