PM Modi Urges Discussion on Uniform Civil Code in Independence Day Speech: Calls for a Secular Approach
PM Modi Urges Discussion on Uniform Civil Code in Independence Day Speech: Calls for a Secular Approach

New Delhi: On the occasion of India's 78th Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a powerful address from the iconic Red Fort, where he emphasized the need for discussions on the Uniform Civil Code (UCC). The Prime Minister said, the current civil code is "communal" and requires reform to become more secular and inclusive.

“There should be discussions on the Uniform Civil Code. The present civil code appears to be communal, and India needs a secular civil code," PM Modi declared. He stressed that it is crucial to eliminate any discriminatory practices in the existing civil code to ensure equality for all citizens, regardless of religion.

He further elaborated that the Supreme Court has repeatedly discussed the issue of the UCC, issuing various orders on the matter. “A significant portion of our population believes that the civil code we are living under is essentially a communal one. I believe it is time to adopt a secular code that will free us from religious discrimination,” PM Modi explained.

Banking Sector Reforms
In his address, the Prime Minister also lauded the country's banking sector reforms, highlighting the transformation of Indian banks into some of the strongest globally. He recalled the challenges the banking sector had faced in the past, including stagnation and a lack of trust in the system.

“Our banks were in difficult circumstances—there was no growth, no expansion, and little faith in the system,” Modi said. He attributed the resurgence of India's banking sector to the bold reforms introduced by his government, which, he noted, were not driven by short-term applause but by a long-term vision for strengthening the nation.

India's Global Growth Contribution
Modi also touched upon India’s growing role on the global stage. He proudly announced that the country’s contribution to global growth has increased significantly, along with a rise in exports. This progress, he explained, is a result of the government's unwavering commitment to reforms aimed at boosting the nation's economic standing.

PM Modi reiterated that the government's focus on reforms—whether in the civil code or the banking sector—comes from a place of determination to secure a better future for India. His speech laid out his vision for a more just, equitable, and economically strong India, driven by secular values and a resilient economy.

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