Rahul Gandhi accuses Central government of misleading farmers
Rahul Gandhi accuses Central government of misleading farmers

New Delhi: Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi has criticised the Central government last Tuesday. While criticising, he said, "The central government is trying to mislead the farmers by engaging in unnecessary talks. Rahul Gandhi has made a tweet. In his tweet, he wrote, "Every attempt by the government to mislead the Satyagrahi farmers into unnecessary dialogue will prove to be unsuccessful. This intention of the Government is considered by the farmers. Their demand is clear-the return of anti-agricultural laws. Nothing more. '

Earlier, the Congress had termed the four members of the Committee constituted by the Supreme Court as favouring agricultural laws. Further, it was also claimed that the farmers cannot get justice from the Committee with the presence of these people. The party's chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala asked, "Has a public prosecutor told the court about the credibility of the committee members?"

In addition, he also said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself should hold talks during the next round of talks with farmers on January 15. Talking to reporters, Surjewala said, "We do not know who has given the name of these people to the Chief Justice? Why was there no inquiry into their background and attitude? The four members of the Committee are in support of agricultural laws and stand with Prime Minister Modi. How can we expect justice from such a committee?"'

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