#FitnessChallenge: Rahul Gandhi dared PM Modi "fuel challenge"
#FitnessChallenge: Rahul Gandhi dared PM Modi

On Thursday, Congress President Rahul Gandhi in a bid to the #FitnessChallenge dared Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a fuel challenge. According to the reports, Rahul took this step after Prime Minister accepted an online fitness challenge given by Indian Cricket captain Virat Kohli on the Twitter handler. 

In his tweet, Rahul Gandhi urged Prime Minister to take up the fuel challenge and reduce the sky-touching fuel prices. Rahul Gandhi wrote, "Dear PM, Glad to see you accept the @imVkohli fitness challenge. Here's one from me: Reduce Fuel prices or the Congress will do a nationwide agitation and force you to do so. I look forward to your response."

Earlier, Prime Minister Modi took to Twitter to answer to Kohli's challenge. He wrote, "Challenge accepted, Virat! I will be sharing my own #FitnessChallenge video soon. @imVkohli #HumFitTohIndiaFit,"

Meanwhile, leading to this Indian politician and former cricketer Tejashwi Prasad Yadav also challenged Prime Minister over 'Job Challenge'. In his twitter he said, "While we have nothing against accepting fitness challenge from  @imVkohli . I urge you to accept the challenge to provide jobs to young, relief to farmers, the promise of no violence against Dalits & minorities. Would you accept my challenge @narendramodi Sir?"

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