'This is an India of injustice, we don't want such an India': Rahul Gandhi
'This is an India of injustice, we don't want such an India': Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi, who has been seen as an attacker of the BJP and PM Narendra Modi since the beginning of the Bharat Jodo Yatra, has now given a big statement against BJP as soon as he started his journey in Madhya Pradesh. Due to this, there has been a stir in politics. In fact, former Congress President Rahul Gandhi launched a scathing attack on the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) while starting the 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' in Madhya Pradesh today i.e. on Wednesday morning. Let us tell you that Rahul Gandhi alleged that, 'the BJP first spreads fear in the hearts of youth, farmers, and laborers and then turns it into violence.'

In fact, the 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' led by Rahul, after passing through Maharashtra, entered Madhya Pradesh from Bodarli village in Burhanpur district, which is called the 'Gate of the South', one hour late than the scheduled time. In such a situation, Rahul formally started the 12-day yatra in Madhya Pradesh after getting the tricolor transferred between the Congress units of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh at the village meeting place. During this, Maharashtra Congress President Nana Patole, Madhya Pradesh Congress President Kamal Nath, former Union Minister Digvijay Singh, and many other senior leaders of the party were present. Let us tell you that Rahul said in the meeting that, 'his journey is against the hatred, violence, and fear being spread in the country. The former Congress president surrounded the central government on the issues of unemployment and inflation.

During this, Rahul challenged the BJP in a way and said, ''We started the 'Bharat Jodo Yatra' from Kanyakumari with the tricolor in hand. No one can stop this tricolor from reaching Srinagar.'' Along with this, he claimed that the country's industry, airports, and ports are in the hands of only three-four industrialists and now the railways are also going to go into their hands. Rahul further said, ''This is India of injustice. We do not want such India. The poor want justice.'' Apart from this, he also said that the money coming out of the common man's pocket for expensive petrol and cooking gas is going into the pockets of three-four industrialists. During this, Rahul called a five-year-old child named Rudra on the stage of his meeting, who said that he wanted to become a doctor when he grew up.

On this, the former Congress President accused the government of privatization of education and said, ''In today's India, Rudra's dream of becoming a doctor cannot be fulfilled because his parents have to pay crores of rupees to study in a private medical college. A fee has to be paid. Due to not being able to pay the fees, he will have to work as a laborer.'' Let us tell you that this padyatra led by Rahul will pass through the Malwa-Nimar region of western Madhya Pradesh within 12 days before entering Rajasthan on December 4.

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