Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Awaits Court Decision on Bail Extension
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Awaits Court Decision on Bail Extension

New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is awaiting a court decision on his plea to extend his interim bail. The verdict, which will determine whether he needs to surrender at Tihar jail by June 2, is set to be announced on June 5. Kejriwal's current interim bail, granted on May 10 for campaigning during the elections, is expiring.

Kejriwal had requested an additional seven days of interim bail, citing health concerns and the need for a medical examination. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) opposed the extension during Saturday's court hearing. Arguments were presented by N Hariharan on behalf of Kejriwal and ASG SV Raju on behalf of the ED, with Solicitor General Tushar Mehta also joining online.

Hariharan argued that denying bail would prevent Kejriwal from receiving necessary medical treatment, referencing his long-standing diabetes and daily insulin requirement under Article 21 of the Constitution. In response, SV Raju argued that Kejriwal has been actively campaigning and that his health concerns do not justify extending bail.

Raju assured the court that medical tests could be expedited and proper medical facilities provided in jail. Kejriwal's lawyer emphasized that as the national convener and star campaigner of his party, Kejriwal was obligated to campaign despite health issues. He pointed out Kejriwal's fluctuating sugar levels and increased ketone levels as conditions needing urgent attention.

The ED countered that Kejriwal could have approached the Supreme Court for bail on health grounds and accused him of exaggerating his health issues to delay the investigation. They argued that adequate medical care could be administered in jail. The court questioned the necessity of a seven-day extension for medical tests, to which Hariharan replied that several critical tests were pending.

The ED alleged that Kejriwal was exploiting the judicial system and using health claims as an excuse to obstruct the investigation. The court will decide on June 5 whether to extend Kejriwal's bail or enforce the original deadline.

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