Rajasthan: In 2016, the BJP distributed saffron-coloured bicycles to girls
Rajasthan: In 2016, the BJP distributed saffron-coloured bicycles to girls

Jaipur: With the change of power in Rajasthan, the phase of the change that began from the curriculum has now reached the colour of the bicycles. During the previous Congress government, the scheme to provide free bicycles to girls in class IX was launched in 2013, which was also continued by the BJP government. But from the 2016-17 session, the BJP government changed the colour of these black bicycles to saffron. Which was presented as sacrifice and sacrifice, but with the Congress government coming to power again, there are now signs of blackening of bicycles. This has led to a re-introduction of accusations in the political corridors.

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Ahead of the 2013 assembly elections, the Congress had launched a scheme to distribute bicycles for girls studying in schools and already distributed free bicycles to about 3 lakh girls studying in Class IX. In 2013, even after the BJP government came to power, it decided to pursue the scheme in the interest of girl students. The BJP government distributed black bicycles during the 2014-15 and 2015-16 sessions.

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However, in the 2016-17 session, it was decided by the BJP government to change the colour of these bicycles, which continued for three years in the session 2016-17, session 2017-18 and session 2018-19. More than 9 lakh saffron bicycles were distributed. With the coming to power in 2018, Congress is in the process of changing the colour of these bicycles. Which has now been worked out as a strategy to materialize with this session.


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