Recently Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor hit the ramp as a showstoppers in Mijwan Fashion Show. They both super talented actors wore Manish Malhotra during their walk. Deepika looked like a real diva and queen in an embellished outfit with statement earrings which completed her looks truly. On the other hand, Ranbir Kapoor charmed everyone from the audience. He wore black traditional sherwani. The ex-couple looked ravishing on the runway in Manish Malhotra’s outfits.
Ranbir closed to Mijwan Fashion Show in style. The show is held annually by Shabana Azmi with the goal to create employment for women. She also aimed to revive the art of embroidery through this show.
Before coming on the ramp a leading publication asked Ranbir about Deepika then he said, “Deepika Padukone is amazingly talented, so beautiful. I have done films with her, I have been on reality shows with her. This is a different medium, I have never walked the ramp with her. She’s a professional at it; she started with modeling. So, I am excited” as reported by Pinkvilla.
After the end of the show, Ranbir went to Shabana Azmi and thanked her for organizing the show. Similarly, Deepika also credited Azmi for creating employment to so many women. She also appreciated the impactful steps Azmi is taking through her NGO. Deepika also said that her work motivates her for her mental health foundation.