Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is the subject of discussion these days about his upcoming movie 'Tiger 3'. The actor, while speaking at the press conference of IIFA Awards 2023, revealed that he has wrapped up the shooting of the film on Wednesday. During a media interaction in Abu Dhabi, Salman said, "Last night, I was shooting for 'Tiger 3' and now the shooting of the movie has been completed. Now you will get to see Tiger on Diwali, Inshallah. It was a very hectic shoot, though it was good. "
A few days ago, Salman Khan shared a picture of his injured shoulder from the set of 'Tiger 3'. Along with the photo, he wrote, "When you feel like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, leave the world. Pick up a five-kilogram dumbbell and show it. #टाइगर3. "
Not only this, Katrina is also going to be seen in 'Tiger 3'. This Diwali is going to come in theaters. Shah Rukh Khan will have a cameo appearance in the movie, for which he has grown long his hair. Shah Rukh and Salman recently enthralled the audience with their scenes together in Siddharth Anand's blockbuster movie Pathan.
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