Bigg Boss celebrity Keeping a fast for her husband, Sapna Chaudhary also observed Karva Chauth. The Haryanvi singer and actress, who keeps her personal affairs mostly private, shared a video with her husband Veer Sahu.
A video of Sapna performing the Karva Chauth pooja with her husband Veer was posted on her Instagram account in honour of the festival. In this Haryanvi-inspired attire for the ritual, she looked fantastic.
Sapna is dressed as a bride in a red lehenga, while her husband was spotted wearing a cream kurta pyjama. These pictures show how much adoration Sapna's fans have for her.
Sapna Chaudhary is known as the dance queen, and she has 3.6 million Instagram followers. As soon as people see Sapna's Instagram post, it goes viral online. Her pictures and videos are incredibly popular.
Recently, Sapna made headlines because the actor was the subject of an arrest warrant. For those who are unaware, Sapna failed to appear at a party in 2018 for which the organisers had paid her in advance. They filed a lawsuit, and the singer is currently being detained in a fraud case. A fraud case was filed against Sapna Chaudhary, which led to her arrest. During this time, she was held for approximately two hours.
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