SCCI concludes successful Five-day Trade Mission to India
SCCI concludes successful Five-day Trade Mission to India

DUBAI: Having met and conversed with Indian business and industrial organisations in New Delhi and Mumbai for five days, the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) has concluded its successful trade mission to India.

The Sharjah Exports Development Centre spearheaded the trade mission, which had the goal of examining attractive investment options and potential advantages for both parties.

The meetings took place in New Delhi, at an important event that the Chamber planned as part of the trade mission's second stop, the "UAE-India Business Forum."

The conversations revealed a shared desire for closer cooperation, and the Indian side announced plans to arrange a high-level trade delegation visit to the Emirate of Sharjah in the fourth quarter of this year. 

The business gatherings provide a useful forum for talking about possible trade and investment benefits across several economic sectors. Both parties exhibited a great willingness to improve their working relationship, share their experiences, and take advantage of best practises.

The talks were centred on increasing commercial and industrial companies' exports and presenting the private sector to lucrative opportunities in emerging industries.

Abdullah Sultan Al Owais, Chairman of SCCI, and other representatives met with a delegation from the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), which was led by Pooja Ahluwalia, Assistant Secretary General of ASSOCHAM, at the first significant meeting. By utilising expertise and supporting joint investment initiatives, they investigated ways to improve industrial and commercial cooperation.

During the second meeting, Paresh Kantilal Mehta, Regional Chairman of the Federation of Indian Export Organisations, was met by Abdullah Sultan Al Owais and his delegation. Discussions were held with the Federation of Indian Export Organisations to promote cooperation in trade promotion of local goods for both nations. Opportunities for creating collaborations with the goal of increasing exports and discovering new markets were also investigated.

Al Owais emphasised the SCCI's dedication to assisting its associate members from Sharjah's business community. He provided information to the Indian side about the alluring services and amenities SCCI-affiliated universities offer to support company growth.

Al Owais urged the Indian delegation to actively take part in the specialised exhibitions that Expo Centre Sharjah hosts throughout the year in order to increase the visibility of Indian goods in local and regional markets.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is also about to be inked between the SCCI and the Trade Promotion Council of India to boost participation in exhibits and arrange trade delegation exchange visits.

Al Owais and the Millennial India International Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture (MIICCIA) had discussions at the end of the trip to improve economic and trade cooperation and promote investment flow between the UAE and India.

In order to promote cooperation, exchange experiences, and create investment partnerships, representatives from industrial and commercial companies took part in field trips to factories and economic facilities in Mumbai and New Delhi during the mission.

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