China completes second phase of corona vaccine trial
China completes second phase of corona vaccine trial

Beijing: In the second phase of clinical trials of corona vaccine being conducted in China, it has been observed that it is safe and can cause immunity in the body. It has been reported in research published in 'Lancet' Medical Journal. Other scientists involved in the research, including experts from the China Center for Disease Control, have said that the test evaluated the safety and immunity of the vaccine. He said that in the results of research, data has been available from far more participants than in the first phase test.

A small group of people above 55 years of age was also included in the test. However, the researchers cautioned that none of the participants in the current test were exposed to the corona infection, SARS-Covey-2, after vaccination. Therefore, it also stated that it is not possible to say through the current test whether the vaccine provided effective protection against SARS-Covey-2 infection.

Professor of immunology at Imperial College, London, UK, has reported that China's research is based on the common cold-infection, against which people have previously antibodies are present. It is noteworthy that it has no connection with the research team. According to scientists, 508 people were included in the new vaccine test. The results of the test revealed that 95% of the high-dose vaccine participants and 91% of the low-dose participants showed a T-cell or antibody immune response on the 28th day of vaccination.

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