Lok Sabha election is around the corner and the political parties already started preparation for this election. The election will be biggest battle between PM Modi lead BJP and Congress President Rahul Gandhi . Now, Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Sunday said his party chief Rahul Gandhi has all the right qualities to make an excellent prime minister. The Congress leader, however, added that it is up to the party and its allies to take a "collective decision” over it.
Tharoor belived that Rahul Gandhi deserve to be the PM of the country. In an interview, congress leader said taht “Rahul Gandhi is our leader, which means that if Congress gets a majority, he will be PM. If Congress is in a coalition government, obviously wider discussions will be held with other coalition partners to arrive at a consensus candidate. He further added that at a personal level, having had several interactions and discussions in close quarters with the Congress president, to my mind it is evidently clear that Rahul ji has all the right qualities to make an excellent prime minister for the country.