Noel Gallagher will be very wary of Covid vaccine
Noel Gallagher will be very wary of Covid vaccine

Hollywood's famous singer Noel Gallagher always remains in discussions. The singer Noel Gallagher is not too keen on the idea of covid vaccination. Reportedly, he said during the podcast "I get the washing of the hands and the social distancing and all that but when you've actually been now told to cover up your face. I don't mind other people wearing them." 

The former member of the Oasis band went on to say- "I'd be very, very wary of taking a vaccine. I don't even take tablets." He further said, I have already completed the tablet course for many other things, as I am 53 now."

While continuing his talk, he has further said that tablets are his last resort though. "I haven't got it and I've never had it. Yes, I've been tested. I had to go to hospital for something and I got tested, I've never had it. I was shocked, actually. I've never adhered your any of the rules I've carried on my life as normal and I was convinced that I would have it. I've never had it."

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