So many people living below the poverty line across the country
So many people living below the poverty line across the country

New Delhi: Even after independence, poverty has become the biggest challenge in India. At present around 23 crore people are seen living in poverty in the country. Those who have to work like laborers to earn their living. Recently, during the winter session of Parliament, questions were asked about people below the poverty line, while answering which Cabinet Minister Rao Inderjit Singh has described the situation of poverty in India.

To reveal the status of poverty in the country, a survey was also conducted in 2011-12. After which till now no assessment has been released regarding this. In this survey, the number of people living below the poverty line was estimated at 27 crores. The government says that 21.9 crore population in the country still lives below the poverty line. 

How is the level of poverty line determined?: The government says that 21.9 percent of the country's population is still living below the poverty line. The government believes that if a person living in a village is unable to spend Rs 26 every day and a person living in a city is unable to spend Rs 32, then that person is considered below the poverty line.

Families living below the poverty line have not been able to provide even the basic amenities of their children. Neither is that family able to provide proper education to their children nor to provide health and adequate food. Lockdown during the Corona period is a time of great crisis for the people living in poverty. When he had to run his family by taking loans at high interest. 

In such a situation, not only was their children's education affected, but they also had to face problems in getting proper food. At this time, the marginalized communities and their families had to face a lot of problems and for some time after the end of Covid, they also faced employment related problems.

Data released after the lockdown by CMIE (Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy) shows that the unemployment rate increased from 7.1 percent in May 2022 to 7.8 percent in June 2022, with an increase of 1.4 percent in the unemployment rate in rural India. Also got to see.

What does the NITI Aayog report say?: Reports say that if the data presented by the government is to be believed, the NITI Aayog had also presented a report named 'National Multidimensional Poverty Index: A Progress Review 2023'. According to which, during the year 2015-16 to 2019-21, 13.5 crore people have been freed from multidimensional poverty. NITI Aayog has introduced this second edition of the National Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI). Its first version was introduced in November 2021.

What is the number of multidimensional poor in the country?: In India, 24.85 percent of the population was multidimensional poor in the year 2015-16. Which decreased to 14.96 percent in 2019-21. However, it cannot be ignored that 15 percent of the country's population is still engaged in living in multidimensional poverty. Which are worrying figures. There is a need for the government to take stronger steps to bring such a large population out of this level of poverty.

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