Telangana police force arrested 8 culprits for cow slaughtering in Siddipet
Telangana police force  arrested 8 culprits for cow slaughtering in Siddipet

Eight persons were arrested by the Siddipet police for allegedly slaughtering sixteen cows and selling the meat, said Siddipet Commissioner of Police Joel Davis.

It came to light that as many as 40 animals were brought to the poultry farm at Old Pullur road on Siddipet outskirts. On Friday, local people noticed the slaughtering of cows and posted the matter to BJP, VHP, Bajrang Dal, Hindu Vahini and other organizations who visited the place. However, the culprits fled the spot by the time activists rushed to the spot. The organizations held a bike rally in the town protesting against the act and tried to shut down the shops demanding action against those culprits.

The district Police Commissioner D Joel Davis said a case was registered under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act and Prohibition of Cows Slaughter Act.

Citing preliminary information, police said the arrested people used to purchase aged cows from farmers and took them to a poultry shed for allegedly slaughtering them to sell beef.

Meanwhile, members of BJP and VHP and other organisations held a rally on Friday, demanding the arrest of those responsible for the slaughter, the police said. The situation is peaceful in Siddipet, they added.

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