Muzaffarpur: There was a ruckus over the hijab at Mahant Darshan Das Women's College in Muzaffarpur, Bihar on Sunday (October 16, 2022). Here some girls had accused the college teacher of speaking and making objectionable comments to remove the hijab. However, now, in this case, a girl from the college has said that the teacher has not said anything like this, and this matter is forcibly linked to religion. In a video going viral on social media, a college girl said that she was in the same classroom where the girls created a ruckus over hijab. The student has said that people cheat by applying ear pods (Bluetooth). Therefore, the college teacher asked the hijab-clad students to keep their ears open only. After that, those girls started creating a ruckus citing their religion.
Along with this, the girl questioned the hijab and said that at the time of examination, these people suddenly remember their religion. But, when these people go to a function, where does their hijab go at that time? For this reason, the question is raised less on these people and more on their religion. Let me tell you, the examination of the students of Mahant Darshan Das Women (MDDM) College of Muzaffarnagar was going on. Due to this, some students were sitting wearing hijabs. A teacher suspected that the students were wearing Bluetooth and asked the girls to show their ears. On this, the students got angry and started creating a ruckus in the college itself.
The students alleged that at the time of the examination, teacher Shashibhushan asked the students to remove the hijab first. It was alleged that after this they made objectionable remarks and called a traitor. The girls alleged that the teacher has told them to go to Pakistan. In this case, the principal of the college, Dr Kanupriya, said that this act of the students is a conspiracy to spoil the atmosphere here. The history of this college is very old. These students are from inter. All the people were asked to remove the mobile and remove Bluetooth. But these people made it a different matter and started creating a ruckus by linking it to religion. He has also said that it is a very shameful thing. The attendance of these students is also less than 75 per cent. He also said that there was no talk of hijab, and the teacher she is accusing did not say anything like anti-national and going to Pakistan. These people are raising the matter without any reason.
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