History of friendship is unique... On this day two friends gave a new example of friendship
History of friendship is unique... On this day two friends gave a new example of friendship

The first Sunday of the month of August is celebrated every year as Friendship Day. Many countries, including India, celebrate Friendship Day in their own way. This time, this special day of friendship is being celebrated on August 7. Friendship Day is clearly evident from the name itself, friendship is called the day dedicated to friends. On this day people party with their friends, roam around and celebrate their friendship. There is a tradition of celebrating Friendship Day like Mother's Day or Father's Day. But the question must have come to the mind of the people who celebrated Friendship Day what was the reason behind dedicating a special day to friends? When and why is Friendship Day celebrated in the first place? What is the history of Friendship Day and what is the significance of this day? 

When was Friendship Day first celebrated?: Friendship Day was first celebrated in the year 1935. This day was celebrated in the United States in the month of August. As a symbol of friendship, friendship day began to be celebrated, after which this day was celebrated all over the world as friendship day every year.

The reason behind celebrating Friendship Day?: There is an interesting story about celebrating Friendship Day. In the United States, a man was murdered on the first Sunday of August in 1935. It is said that the U.S. government was behind this murder. The man who was murdered had a special friend. When the news of the death of the friend was received, he became very frustrated. The man also committed suicide in the wake of his friend's departure.

Why celebrate Friendship Day on the first Sunday of August?: Seeing this state of friendship and attachment, the US government decided to celebrate the first Sunday of August as Friendship Day. Gradually, this day has come into vogue and in many other countries including India, the first Sunday of August has started being celebrated as Friendship Day.

How is August's Friendship Day different from July 30?: Some people have confusion about Friendship Day as to which of the following is the right Friendship Day between July 30 and the first Sunday of August. In fact, in the year 1930, Joyce Hall generated the hallmark card. Later, on July 30, 1958, international friendship day was officially announced. But countries like Bangladesh, Malaysia, UAE and the United States, including India, celebrate Friendship Day only on the first Sunday of August.

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