US stands alone to enforce sanctions against Iran, Britain France and Germany refused to cooperate
US stands alone to enforce sanctions against Iran, Britain France and Germany refused to cooperate

Washington: The US campaign to impose a United Nations global embargo on Iran seems to be falling into disarray. Britain, France and Germany, who have supported America on every decision, have refused to cooperate on this issue. The three European countries have said in a joint statement that Russia and China involved in the agreement are against any ban on Iran.

In 2015, 6 powerful countries of the world have removed the UN sanctions imposed on Iran by signing an agreement with it. According to the agreement, Iran had to stop the process of development of nuclear weapons and take steps towards the peaceful use of nuclear energy. But US President Donald Trump, who won the election in 2016, was strongly against this agreement and in May 2018, he has separated the US from this agreement. Strict economic and trade sanctions have been imposed on Iran. But the rest of the countries present in the agreement did not agree with this move of America and they are maintaining relations with Iran outside the US economy.

On Thursday, the United States has written a letter to the UN Security Council requesting a global ban on Iran again. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said that the way Iran's relations are growing with China and Russia has created a crisis that they will start carrying deadly weapons from both countries to Militia, which many areas of the world are fighting. The US has surprised the stance of its 3 allies, as Britain and France are also members of the Security Council. With this stance of both the countries, there is a danger of the fall of America's proposal in the Security Council because Russia and China are already against the sanctions on Iran.

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