These keypad phones are available for less than Rs 1500, will be able to make UPI payment with free music
These keypad phones are available for less than Rs 1500, will be able to make UPI payment with free music

Keypad phones might seem like a thing of the past, but they have made a significant comeback. With smartphones dominating the market, there's still a niche for these simple, durable, and cost-effective devices. If you're looking for a reliable phone that costs less than Rs 1500, can handle UPI payments, and offers free music, you're in luck.

Why Choose a Keypad Phone?

Simplicity and Ease of Use

Keypad phones are incredibly straightforward. Their simplicity is their strength, making them ideal for children, the elderly, or anyone who prefers a no-frills mobile experience.


Unlike their fragile smartphone counterparts, keypad phones are known for their robustness. They can withstand drops, spills, and other daily wear and tear without missing a beat.

Battery Life

One of the standout features of keypad phones is their impressive battery life. With fewer power-hungry apps and features, these phones can last for days on a single charge.

Top Keypad Phones Under Rs 1500

1. JioPhone

The JioPhone is a great option, combining affordability with smart features. It supports 4G, UPI payments, and even offers access to Jio’s extensive suite of apps, including JioSaavn for free music.

2. Nokia 105

Nokia 105 is a classic choice known for its reliability and long battery life. While it doesn't support UPI payments, it’s a solid option for basic communication needs.

3. Itel Magic 2 4G

Itel Magic 2 4G is another fantastic choice under Rs 1500. It supports 4G connectivity, making it perfect for basic internet usage and UPI payments. Plus, it comes with wireless FM and a music player.

4. Lava A1

Lava A1 is a budget-friendly phone offering excellent value. It supports UPI payments and has a sturdy build, making it a great choice for those who need a reliable and affordable device.

Key Features to Look for in a Keypad Phone

1. UPI Payment Capability

In today’s digital world, the ability to make UPI payments is a game-changer. Many keypad phones now come equipped with this feature, making transactions quick and easy.

2. Music Playback

Whether you love listening to your favorite tunes or catching up on podcasts, having a phone with good music playback is essential. Look for models that offer free music services like JioSaavn or have built-in music players.

3. Battery Life

One of the key advantages of keypad phones is their battery life. Look for phones that promise extended usage so you can stay connected without constantly worrying about charging.

UPI Payments: Simplifying Transactions

How UPI Payments Work on Keypad Phones

UPI (Unified Payments Interface) has revolutionized the way we handle transactions. With keypad phones now supporting UPI, users can make payments directly from their bank accounts without the need for a smartphone.

Benefits of UPI on Keypad Phones

  • Convenience: UPI payments can be done anytime, anywhere, without the need for cash or cards.
  • Security: Transactions are encrypted, making them safe and secure.
  • Speed: Payments are processed instantly, providing quick confirmation.

Enjoying Free Music on Keypad Phones

Accessing Free Music Services

Many keypad phones come pre-loaded with music apps or offer access to free music services. For example, the JioPhone provides access to JioSaavn, where you can listen to a vast library of songs without any additional cost.

Built-in Music Players

Phones like the Itel Magic 2 4G come with built-in music players and FM radio, allowing you to enjoy music even without an internet connection.

Durability: A Key Selling Point

Why Durability Matters

Keypad phones are built to last. Their sturdy construction makes them ideal for rough use, whether you’re working in tough environments or simply need a phone that can handle a bit of rough and tumble.

Top Durable Models

  • Nokia 105: Known for its robustness, it’s perfect for those who need a tough phone.
  • Lava A1: Its sturdy design ensures it can handle daily wear and tear with ease.

Battery Life: Staying Connected Longer

Extended Battery Performance

One of the biggest advantages of keypad phones is their battery life. These phones can last several days on a single charge, making them ideal for users who don’t want to worry about frequent recharging.

Best Long-Lasting Battery Phones

  • Nokia 105: Offers up to 25 days of standby time.
  • Itel Magic 2 4G: Provides excellent battery life even with 4G connectivity.

Who Can Benefit from Keypad Phones?

Elderly Users

Keypad phones are perfect for the elderly, who may find smartphones too complicated. Their large buttons, clear displays, and simple interfaces make them easy to use.

Young Children

For parents who want to give their young children a phone without worrying about internet access or excessive screen time, keypad phones are an excellent choice.

Backup Phones

Even if you own a smartphone, having a keypad phone as a backup can be incredibly useful, especially during emergencies when battery life and durability are crucial.

Keypad Phones: A Budget-Friendly Solution

Affordable Yet Functional

Keypad phones offer great functionality at a fraction of the cost of smartphones. For under Rs 1500, you can get a phone that meets your basic needs and more.

Ideal for All Budgets

Whether you’re looking to save money or need a secondary device, keypad phones offer an economical solution without compromising on essential features. Keypad phones are far from obsolete. They have carved out a niche for themselves in the market by offering simplicity, durability, and impressive battery life at an affordable price. With the added capabilities of UPI payments and free music, these phones provide exceptional value for under Rs 1500. Whether you're looking for a reliable backup, a phone for your child or an elderly relative, or simply a budget-friendly option, keypad phones are a smart choice.

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