Protect Yourself from Cyber Fraud: Check How Many Mobile Numbers are Registered in Your Name
Protect Yourself from Cyber Fraud: Check How Many Mobile Numbers are Registered in Your Name

Cyber fraud is on the rise, and it's essential to be aware of the risks. One type of scam involves criminals misusing your phone number to deceive others. To combat this, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and the Department of Telecommunications have set a limit of 9 numbers per individual. Exceeding this limit can lead to legal action. Therefore, it's crucial to know how many numbers are registered in your name to avoid legal complications.

If unknown numbers are registered in your name, they can be used for illegal activities. To find out how many mobile numbers are registered in your name, follow these two methods:

Method 1: Visit the Telecom Analytics for Fraud Management and Consumer Protection (TAFCOP) portal at Click on "Citizen Centric Services" and then select "Know Your Mobile Connection." Enter your mobile number, complete the captcha, and an OTP will be sent to your phone. Enter the OTP to access the details of mobile connections registered in your name.

Method 2: Alternatively, you can contact your telecom service provider's customer care to inquire about the numbers registered in your name.

If you discover unknown numbers registered in your name, report them immediately and file a complaint. The government will investigate and block the numbers if they were issued fraudulently.

Don't wait until it's too late; take proactive steps to protect yourself from cyber fraud. Check your registered mobile numbers today and report any discrepancies to avoid potential legal issues. Remember, awareness is key to preventing cyber fraud.

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