These people should not forget to eat eggplant
These people should not forget to eat eggplant

Many people get annoyed by hearing the name of brinjal. Some people do not like it at all, while some like it very much and enjoy dishes prepared in different ways. Brinjal is available throughout the year, but its consumption increases especially during the winter season.

Eggplant is considered healthy in the winter season. It can help control blood sugar and provide relief from heart diseases. However, consumption of eggplant can also be harmful for some people. Let us know about those people who should stay away from eggplant.

1. People suffering from skin allergies

People who have skin allergies should not consume anything made from brinjal. Eating brinjal can increase their allergy even more. Doctors advise such people to stay away from brinjal so that their allergy remains under control.

2. Depression patients

People suffering from depression should also not consume brinjal. When a person is taking medicines for depression, brinjal can reduce the effect of these medicines when it enters the body. This can hinder the treatment of depression.

3. Anemia

People who have anemia should stay away from eggplant. Consuming eggplant can affect the blood formation process in the body and can increase related problems. In such a situation, it is better to avoid eggplant. Eggplant is a nutritious vegetable and can be prepared in many ways. However, consumption of eggplant can be harmful in some health conditions. If you are facing any of these problems, keep eggplant out of your diet and consider other options for better health.

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