These tests are necessary before pregnancy
These tests are necessary before pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most beautiful time in any woman's life, but during this time it is very important to take special care of yourself and the baby growing in the womb. Doctors believe that every couple should get some necessary tests done before pregnancy, so that it can be ensured that both of them do not have any kind of disease or health related problem.

Based on these pre-pregnancy tests, the doctor advises the woman on the necessary diet, supplements and exercise, which increases the chances of a healthy pregnancy. If you are also planning a pregnancy, then let us know which tests you and your husband should get done.

1. Blood group test

It is very important to know the blood group of the couple before pregnancy. If a woman has Rh negative or positive blood group and her husband's blood group is also Rh negative, then there is a risk of hemolytic disease in the child. This disease can damage the child's brain and can sometimes be fatal. This risk can be avoided through this test, and the doctor can suggest the right remedy in time.

2. Antibody screening

The woman also undergoes an antibody test before conceiving. If the woman has previously taken the measles or rubella vaccine, this test shows whether she needs a booster vaccine or not. This test is done to ensure the safety of both the woman and the baby.

3. Syphilis serology

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection, the symptoms of which are sometimes not visible. This infection can cause many problems in pregnancy. A blood test for syphilis is necessary so that it can be detected in time and treated with antibiotics.

4. Check for viral infection

Doctors suggest that women should get tested for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV before and during pregnancy. These tests are necessary for the safety of both the mother and the child, so that there is no serious problem during pregnancy.

5. Urine test

Urine test is also very important in pre-pregnancy checkup. UTI (urinary tract infection) and kidney related problems can be detected through this test. If any problem is found through this, then the doctor can treat it on time, so that there is no adverse effect on the child's health.

6. Gynecological screening

This test is done to check the reproductive organs of a woman, in which uterine fibroids, cysts, non-cancerous tumors or pelvic inflammatory disease are detected. This screening is also done to check for problems like irregular periods, PCOS, which can affect pregnancy. These tests done before pregnancy are important not only for the health of the woman but also for her baby. With timely tests and doctor's advice, you can enjoy a healthy and safe pregnancy. Always take any step only after consulting your doctor, so that both you and your baby remain healthy.

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