Try this Lentil Curry
Try this Lentil Curry

Lentil Curry is an easy-to-make delicious curry recipe which can be prepared with easily available ingredients like lentil, onion, tomato, oil and a menage of spices. This lunch/dinner recipe can be served with cooked rice or hot chapattis. It can served both as a main dish as well as side dish. The curry can be complemented with your everyday meals or can be served to your guest on special get togethers, parties or even buffets. This is a prefect dish for all the food lovers as it tastes best when coupled with some of our favorite meals. Make this easy curry recipe and enjoy with your loved ones!

Ingredients of Lentil Curry

2 cup lentil

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1 tablespoon curry powder

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon garlic

1 cup tomato puree

1 large onion

2 tablespoon massaman curry paste

1 teaspoon turmeric

1 teaspoon spice chili powder

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon ginger

2 cup water

How to make Lentil Curry

Step 1

Wash the lentils properly and remove any husk or impurities. Add the lentils in a bowl of water and boil them. Reduce the heat to a low flame and keep stirring for about 15 minutes until the lentils turn tender.

Step 2

Take a medium sized pan and heat oil in it. Chop the onions in a bowl and add onions into the pan and stir for about 15 minutes until they turn crisp. Mix curry paste, curry powder, turmeric, cumin, chili powder, salt, sugar, garlic, and ginger together in a large bowl and stir evenly along with the onions. Keep stirring constantly for a couple of minutes.

Step 3

Add the tomato puree into the pan and cook for a while. Remove it from the pan and serve hot!

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