Tragic accident on the highway in Berlin, many people injured
Tragic accident on the highway in Berlin, many people injured

On Tuesday, a major accident occurred on the National Highway in Berlin, the capital of Germany, where several vehicles collided one after the other. Due to which the entire highway was disturbed. According to Germany's news agency, the incident is being investigated by the Berlin authorities, whether a series of incidents on this highway in the city was allegedly done by a person, or someone behind it.

Agencies are investigating why a 30-year-old man involved in the Tuesday night incident did so and what was the motive behind it. In this case, the city's general prosecutor will inform the Berlin Justice Committee this afternoon about the case. Police and prosecutors have not yet revealed the motive behind the man's work, but the DPA said investigators are looking into whether this person did the act for political reasons or is mentally ill. 

In this entire case, one person is accused of allegedly toppling several vehicles in a section of the Berlin highway on Tuesday evening. 6 people were injured in the accident, three of whom were seriously injured. According to the driver, the driver later stopped on the highway and placed a box on the roof of his car and claimed to contain explosives. However, the experts later opened the box and found only the equipment in it. Police said that the person was arrested have taken.

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