Wife was upset with this habit of husband, sold online in anger
Wife was upset with this habit of husband, sold online in anger

There are many shocking reports from all over the world. Now, recently also, there has been a piece of shocking news. In fact, this is the case in New Zealand, where a woman living in New Zealand got angry and sold out her husband! Yes, you can't believe it, but it's true. Here the woman bid online to sell her husband. According to a report on a well-known website, a New Zealand man was habitual of walking and always left his wife and children for a walk.

Now that the man did the same this time, his wife was furious, and then the wife bid for her husband to sell him online. As part of the information received in the case, the wife created a separate advertisement and created a selling profile of her husband and then put it on the trading site. The woman is said to be Linda McAlister. According to the report, the woman was deeply disturbed by her husband's habit of roaming and that is why she took this shocking step.

The woman created a long profile of her husband and put a photo in it and tagged 'Used Condition' and put him on the trading site for sale. According to the report, the woman did this to her husband, John McAlister, because their children were on leave and when the husband had to handle the children he went for a walk. The woman says her husband likes to move around so much that he leaves the house without informing her.

At present, the woman wrote in an advertisement selling her husband: 'Husband for Sale. 6 feet 1 inch long, 37 years old, a farmer by profession ready to sell.' The woman also said, "After being fed well, he has proved to be honest and is in used condition. If anyone buys him, free shipping will be given.''

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