12 Names of Lord Suryadev, Read here
12 Names of Lord Suryadev, Read here

Tell all of you that Suryadevis are the deities who are direct deities and whom we can see. At the same time, we can worship them. In today's time, Lord Suryadev is worshipped by everyone, and in the morning he also offers water to them. Some people also remember the names of Lord Suryadev. Let me tell all of you that in the month of December, 14th December, 2021, malamas are going to start from the navami of Margashirsha Shukla Paksha and it is going to be till the 8th date of Paush Shukla Paksha on 14th January, 2021. You must all know that Malamas is also known as Kharmas. According to astrology, whenever the sun moves in Sagittarius and Pisces, those months are called Malamas. It is said that this period is not considered auspicious in astrology, although remembering the names of the sun in Kharmas i.e. Malamas yields auspicious fruits. It is believed that 12 names of the sun must be read in Kharma, which gives you the desired blessings and gives you good results for all kinds of actions. Let us know the 12 names of Lord Suryadev.

12 Names of Lord Suryadev

1- Om Suryaya Namah.
2- Om Mitraya Namah.
3- Om Ravye Namah.
4- Om Bhanve Namah.
5- Om Khagai Namah.
6- Om Pushne Namah.
7- Om Hiranyagarvaya Namah.
8- Om Marichai Namah.
9- Om Adityaya Namah.
10- Om Savitre Namah.
11- Om Arkay Namah.
12- Om Bhaskarai Namah.

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