Amazon Artificial Intelligence for Online shoppers
Amazon Artificial Intelligence for Online shoppers

Amazon new experiment of Artificial Intelligence to improve the shopper's experience, says Rajeev Rastogi, head of Machine Learning team at Amazon.

In which areas does Amazon use AI?

Artificial Intelligence is being applied to a number of issues such as speech recognition, natural language understanding, question answering, dialogue systems, product recommendations, product search, forecasting future product demand, among others.

Deep Learning process is used for better speech recognition. Neural networks are being used to convert speech (spoken by users) to text with high accuracy. Deep Learning process is also powered by the speech recognition & understanding technology in Alexa (Amazon's voice-controlled virtual assistant).

What interesting future problems are you trying to solve using AI?

Rajeev Rastogi said that they are tackling the issue of automatic answering using Artificial Intelligence. So, for instance, customer questions like, 'How many megapixels does the camera have?' or 'How many USB ports are there on this laptop?'

How do you use AI to tackle fake reviews and counterfeit products?

Review characteristics such as ratings to detect fake reviews are being used. The Brand & Category product attributes are useful tackling counterfeit products. These critical measures will help in building customer trust in Amazon.

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