What Made Omung Kumar to make Sarbjit, after quitting on Biopics scripts?
What Made Omung Kumar to make Sarbjit, after quitting on Biopics scripts?

Omung Kumar is now ready for the release of his another Biopic, 'Sarbjit', which is based on the life of the Indian farmer prisoner Sarabjit Singh.

After Mary Kom he said that now he will not do any Biopic, then suddenly he came up with Sarbjit, why? Read what he said-

After 'Mary Kom', I had decided not to make a biopic again as I didn't want to be known as a director who only makes such films. I had a few other scripts lined up but after the National Awards last year, producer Sandeep Singh brought Sarbjit .s script to me.

I heard the story in brief but refused to do anything with it. Later, I left for Malaysia to attend an award function.

However, I was constantly thinking about the script and started watching the videos of Dalbirji (Sarabjit's sister) on the Internet. I was shocked to see how this feisty lady took up the challenge to release her brother from a Pakistan jail. I read the script again and agreed to do the film.

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