Know emotional story of this poor family
Know emotional story of this poor family

Gorakhpur: The poor laborer of Gorakhpur lost his life due to chicken pox in the past amid lockdown. After that lot of trouble started, the police somehow contacted his family and reported his death. But the poor wife did not have the money to carry the corpse of the husband, because of the huge problems like lockdown. The wife asked for help from the village head and other people, but she felt nothing. Being helpless, the wife cremated her effigy in place of her husband in the village. The Tehsildar sent a message to the Delhi Police that the police should perform the last rites of her husband in Delhi itself. If possible, the bones should be sent to the victims' villages. Now Delhi Police is also in the loop. At present, the funeral of the dead body has not been done.

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According to the information, originally the village resident of Dumri-Khurd, Chauri-Chaura (Gorakhpur) lived in a rented house in Pratap Bagh area of Bharat Nagar, Delhi and was a laborer. He lived with his wife, four daughters and a son. The elder daughter of the laborer is 10 years old. He has no land in the village and the family lives in a hut. The worker got stuck in Delhi due to the lockdown. Meanwhile, he got chicken pox. On 11 April 2020, the health deteriorated and on the information of the local people, the police admitted him to the Bada Hindurao Hospital, from where he was referred to three different hospitals. The laborer died on 14 April 2020 at Safdarjung Hospital. His corona report also came negative.

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It is also being said that the family kept calling the laborer, but the call was not received. Because, he was fighting for life and death in the hospital and mobile was on his room. Due to frequent phone calls, the battery of the mobile was exhausted. The police charged the mobile. Sources say that in the meantime, a call came from his house and the police informed the laborer's wife about his death. Where they requested to take the dead body from Delhi. She got up on hearing this, but she does not have enough money to come to Delhi and take the corpse. Nobody was ready to help her either. By sending a message through the tehsildar, she was forced to ask for the last rites of the laborer to be done in Delhi itself. Instead of the body of the laborer, she made an effigy of his body and performed the last rites with a one-year-old son.

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