Lucknow: An FIR has been registered at the police station after the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) seized auto oxygen ambulances in Uttar Pradesh's capital Lucknow. The oxygen ambulance launched by you was not found by the RTO to conform to the standards in checking. An FIR was then lodged against his drivers at Hazratganj Kotwali. Police have seized both autos.
They had started an auto ambulance oxygen service for those who were upset to go to the hospital, in which people could go to the hospital by ambulance service for free. At the same time, you claimed that it would not bother the recovery of private ambulance drivers. Meanwhile, AAP spokesperson Vaibhav Maheshwari in a tweet informed the police about the disappearance of the auto and driver of the oxygen service run by the party. UP police asks Lucknow police to conduct an inquiry. The surveillance service was directed by the Lucknow Police Commissioner to take necessary action.
But later the auto driver and auto were seized by registering an FIR at Hazratganj police station as they were not found to be up to the norms by the RTO department. At the same time auto drivers were released after questioning.
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