Know why World Heart Day is celebrated every year on 29 September
Know why World Heart Day is celebrated every year on 29 September

Internationally, Heart Day is celebrated on September 29. The basic objective of Heart Day is to provide information to the common man in every country about all heart-related diseases and diseases as well as to make them aware and prevent it. Not only that, heart diseases kill most people all over the world. 

Heart Day is said to have been first organized by Antony Base de Luna, Director, World Heart Association in 1999 along with WHO. It was established for the reason that it could reach out to the common people and make them all aware of it and take a healthy life forward by making the environment around them clean and clean and at the same time get rid of all heart-related diseases.

It is well known that without the heart, it is not possible to have any actions in the body, and the clean blood that flows into our body. That too is through the heart. Therefore, it is very important to keep them healthy. At present, the world's increasing pollution is also leading to an increase in cardiovascular diseases and in addition to the increasing smoking addiction among the people, heart diseases are also on the rise.

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