'Attack the one who stops on Jume.....',Form found at Prayagraj's rioter Javed's house,Daughter is JNU student"
'Attack the one who stops on Jume.....',Form found at Prayagraj's rioter Javed's house,Daughter is JNU student

Lucknow: The police havegot a strong clue about the planned riots that broke out on June 10, 2022 in Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj. According to reports, a pamphlet has been recovered from the house of javed pump, the mastermind of the violence. It reportedly talks about gathering in large numbers in Atala and attacking people who are obstructing the way.

According to the report, the form was recovered during a search of the house of Javed Pump. The pamphlet has been seized by the police for examination. According to SSP Prayagraj Ajay Kumar, "A few fake half-page leaflets from Javed Pump's house have very interesting things written on it. We are checking how many pamphlets have been distributed to whom and where. According to the report, it was written on this pamphlet, "Listen, friends, at two o'clock on the day of Jumei, we all have to reach Atala together. Whatever obstacle will happen, it has to be attacked. We'll explain the rest together. We don't trust the court. '

Javed Pump's kareli-based residence was demolished by the Prayagraj Development Authority (PDA) on June 12 with a bulldozer. Earlier, illegal arms and Arabic and Pakistani Islamic literature were also recovered from the pump's house. However, Javed Pump's daughter Sumaiya has termed the recovery of the prescription as a lie. He has said that it is a conspiracy to trap my father and if a form was received, why was it not told on the same day.

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