CBI officer who arrested Congress leader Chidambaram by jumping wall and will get President Medal
CBI officer who arrested Congress leader Chidambaram by jumping wall and will get President Medal

New Delhi: On the eve of Republic Day, 28 CBI officers have been selected for the President's Medal. These 28 CBI officers also include DSP Ramaswamy Parthasarathy. These are the same CBI officers who jumped the wall of his house to arrest Congress veteran and former finance minister P Chidambaram. Ramaswamy will be awarded this medal for displaying indomitable valour.

It is clear that Chidambaram was arrested last year in the INX Media case and there was no other officer who arrested him, but Ramaswamy was the calm person. Ramaswamy had arrested his son Karti Chidambaram besides P. Chidambaram. Karti was also arrested in the INX Media case.

Apart from Ramaswamy, another officer Dhirendra Shukla has also been selected for the President's Police Medal. These are the same officers who investigated the Jade Murder case. Ramaswamy initially joined the team as DSP, but later he was promoted to joint director. Dhirendra Shukla has headed the Sports Integrity Unit for five years. Not only this, he has also been part of the Monaco Police after being elected by the United Nations.

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