Why not try this 'Chettinad Fish Fry' for dinner !
Why not try this 'Chettinad Fish Fry' for dinner !

Being in a heavy working life, we always want something very yummy for dinner which can reduce our full day work load. And this Chettinad Fish Fry is something which can do the same:

Have a look at the recipe and try this for today’s dinner !

Ingredients you need: 

  • 2 fillets surmai (King fish) 

  • 2 Tbsp oil, to pan fry 

For the marination:

  • 7-8 cloves garlic 

  • 1 knob ginger, mashed 

  • 1 tsp cumin 

  • 1 tsp fennel 

  • 2 tsp coriander seeds 

  • 2 tsp black peppercorns 1

  • 1/2 tsp mustard seeds 

  • 9-10 curry leaves 

  • Salt, to taste 

  • 1 tsp oil, to grind 

  •  1 Tbsp water 

  • 1/2 tomato, chopped 

  • 1 Tbsp water 

  • 1 tsp red chilli powder

  • 5 tsp tamarind extract 

  • 1 Tbsp cornflour, to sprinkle 

Method for Chettinad Fish:

1.  Cut the fish fillets into equal medium sized pieces. 

2. In a pan, dry roast garlic, ginger, cumin, fennel, coriander seeds, black peppercorns, mustard seeds and curry leaves. 

3. Pound them in a mortar and pestle. Add a little salt, oil and water to help in the procedure. 

4. Now add the chopped tomato, turmeric powder, red chili powder, salt and tamarind extract.

5.  Pound them together till pulp like and spread it over the fish pieces. 

6.  Sprinkle some cornflour over the fish. 

7. The cornflour helps the masala to stick

8. Marinate the fish and keep in the fridge for 15-20 minutes. 

9. In a pan, fry the fish with the refined oil and serve hot.​


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