India receives 11th position in corona infection, death rate increasing
India receives 11th position in corona infection, death rate increasing

Due to Corona's increasing vulnerability, India has reached the 11th place in the world, but it has taken longer time to reach here than other countries of the world. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, more than 3 lakh 20 thousand people have died due to corona all over the world, which is an average of 4.1 per one lakh population. There are 3,163 deaths in India, which is 0.2 per one lakh population. The percentage of deaths among the total infected persons is 3.1% in India, while it is more than double the average in the world at 6.8 percent%.

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According to the data released by the Ministry of Health on deaths per 100,000 population due to corona in different countries, 26.6 per million population in the US, 52.1 in Britain, 52.8 in Italy, 41.9 in France, 59.2 people have died in Spain and 79.3 in Belgium. According to the Health Ministry, due to early identification of corona infection and better treatment, India was successful in keeping it limited to 0.2. It is not just about deaths per one lakh population. After treatment, the number of patients coming out of the hospital after treatment from the hospital in India is 93%. Only 7% of patients have died. Whereas, on average, 85% of the patients in the whole world are coming out of the hospital after getting healthy. In the total case also, the number of healthy patients in India has reached 38.73.

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According to the Ministry of Health, India, which became the 11th country to cross the number of one lakh infected, is the sixth in the world in terms of testing. India has done more than 24 lakh tests so far. The biggest thing is that the number of positive patients in the proportion of testing is much less in India than other countries in the world. On average 25 tests in India are getting a corona positive. Whereas in the other part of the world, a patient is being found on very few tests. On average 7.8 in the US, 7.7 in the UK, 15.3 in Japan, one corona positive is found in the test.

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