DRDO successfully tests Pinaka missile, know what is special
DRDO successfully tests Pinaka missile, know what is special

Bhubaneswar: The Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) on Friday successfully test-fired the Pinaka missile off the Odisha coast. The missile has a range of 90 km. The Pinaka missile developed by DRDO is capable of attacking enemy territory up to a distance of 90 km. On December 19, Pinaka was tested for 75 km of firepower. In March this year, two tests of the missile were conducted at Pokhran Range in Rajasthan.

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The Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) jointly conducted a successful test of the upgraded version of the Pinaka rocket at 12:05 pm on Thursday from Odisha's Chandipur Test Center. Earlier Pinaka did not have a guide line system. Now it has been upgraded and equipped with a guideline system. The Hyderabad-based Research Center has developed a Navigation Guidance and Control Kit.

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According to sources, this change has increased both Pinaka's firepower and accuracy. Earlier its firepower was 40 km which has now increased to 70 km. Radar Electro-Optical System, Telemetry System monitored the entire route of Pinaka Rocket in the Defense area of Chandipur. Pinaka is formed by Apartment Research and Development Stabilization, Pune, and Defense Research and Development Laboratory, Hyderabad.

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