People hiding their travel history, revealed in door to door survey
People hiding their travel history, revealed in door to door survey

The administration is very strict after the lockdown. But despite so much awareness and appeal, many people are hiding the travel history from the administration, which can become a problem for others including their families. Eight people were caught in the Door to Door Survey of the Health Department in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. These people returned from traveling abroad in February-March, but kept the information hidden. Now, these people have been kept in home isolation for 28 days. The administration is also preparing for legal action.

For your information, let us tell you that those returning from abroad in the state started being isolated from 17 April. The number of such people has been 460, but from the last week of February to March 16, no information was available about all the people who returned from abroad. Here the Health Department started a door-to-door campaign in the districts.

Within three days, in the city of Bilaspur, within eight days, eight such people were found hiding behind the treble history. Two people from China, Nepal, Thailand, Russia, Mauritius and Saudi Arabia returned from the trip to America. Superintendent of Police Prashant Aggarwal said that a case will be registered against these people.

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