Chandigarh: These days, there are cases of crime from every nook and corner of the country, which are embarrassing the purity of relationships. One such sensational case has come from Haryana. In Panipat, Haryana, a daughter-in-law escaped from he home with her father-in-law late in the night. The aggrieved family had lodged a complaint with the police about the disappearance of the two.
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However, the matter has now come up in the media. When cctv footage was examined by the police, it was clearly visible that in the darkness of night that father-in-law, daughter-in-law along with her 10-month-old baby are going out of the house. According to media reports, in a complaint to the police, the accused father-in-law had started making illicit relations with his daughter-in-law, both of them began to love each other.
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They always wanted to spend life together but were not able to do so in front of the family in the house. So they planned to flee and stay somewhere else. On the night of August 28, they mixed sleeping pills in the food of their family. When the kin got unconscious, they took a 10-month-old baby and escaped from the house. The police are currently searching for both.
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