Here's how to check and store eggs
Here's how to check and store eggs

Some things look at an expiry date. This tells us when that item is made and how long it will not deteriorate. But there are some things that are difficult to investigate. One of them is egg. If we buy eggs, the expiry date is not written on it, especially eggs found in local shops do not have expiry date. Also, you will know that eggs are spoiled after a certain time. Finding the egg expiry date is a bit difficult. How to know if the egg is fresh or not? So let's know in these ways whether egg is fresh or not.

Method of checking eggs: To find out the expiry date of eggs, we have to pay attention to two things. First smelling and looking at the second. For this, you have to do a test, which is called a floating test. This is the best way to check their freshness without breaking the eggs. Let us know how to do this test. For this, fill cold water in a vessel and then put eggs in it. If they sink down and lie straight on the edge, then these eggs are absolutely fresh. If the eggs stand down in the water, then understand that the eggs are a few weeks old and are worth eating. At the same time, if the eggs are floating on the surface of the water, then understand that they are spoiled and they should not be eaten.

How to store: Eggs that are not kept in the refrigerator are aged from seven to ten days, while eggs kept in the refrigerator range in age from thirty to forty-five days. These eggs have an ideal life. If eggs are kept properly in the refrigerator, they can last for five to six weeks. The best way to fridge them is to keep them in the fridge in the same way in which the eggs come. Thus, their temperature remains the same. If possible, eggs should be transported at the same temperature. In the cold season, this temperature should be 21 ° C to 23 ° C, while in the summer season it should be 19 ° C to 21 ° C. Keeping eggs in the fridge reduces the risk of salmonella. This keeps eggs fresh for a long time.

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