Survey: Men with such legs have many affairs
Survey: Men with such legs have many affairs

There are many lovers around the world who have full faith in their partner but what you are reading in the title is true. Yes, you may feel awkward listening, but it's true. The person's feet can tell whether he is a cheater or a trustworthy person. We are not saying this, but the recent research. According to reports, a recent study on the size of the legs has been conducted, according to which men with big legs are less trustworthy than other men. The study provides information that men who have ten or more legs in size can cheat on their partners.

At the same time, partners can trust a man with short legs. According to a report on a well-known website, "Dating site Illicit Encounters conducted a survey on men's loyalty and the size of their feet. About 2,000 men have participated in the survey.'' At the same time, the report also said, "A dating site survey has shown that men with big legs are more likely to cheat on their partners. Most such men have admitted in the survey that they are having an extramarital affair.''

According to this survey, men whose feet are of size 11, such people have a 29 per cent chance of cheating. Similarly, men of size 10 have a 25% chance of cheating on their partners. At the same time, men with size 12 numbers are not worthy of 22 per cent trust. In the same 13 size people, this apprehension remains up to 21 per cent. Not only this, but the surprising thing in the survey was that hundreds of men themselves admitted that they have extramarital affairs even after getting married. At the same time, some men say that the size of their feet is big, but they have never cheated their partner behind their back.

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