Recipe: Make yummy Italian creamy pasta for children
Recipe: Make yummy Italian creamy pasta for children

You want to eat well many times in the weekend. For which either you go out or you make something tasty at home. In such a situation, we are going to tell you about Italian Creamy Pasta, about which children will get water in their mouth. By eating this, children's day can become special and if you want to make it special, then try Italian Creamy Pasta, whose recipe we are going to tell you.

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necessary ingredients
- 200-gram pasta
- 100-gram cream
- 1 cup cabbage
- 1 cup carrots
- 2 cups of water
- 1 lemon
- 1 piece ginger
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp coriander
- 2 tsp butter
Salt as per taste

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To make creamy pasta, first, take water in a vessel and place it on the gas for boiling. Add a little salt to the water and mix. When the water boils, add the pasta and mix well.

Keep stirring the pasta until it is cooked well. After some time your pasta will be soft by cooking. Turn off the gas, now sieve your pasta with the help of a sieve and keep it.

After doing so, finely chop all the vegetables and grate the ginger pieces as well. Now heat butter in a pan and add all the chopped vegetables and fry on low heat.

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After some time, when the vegetables will become a bit soft then add cream, salt, and pepper and mix it well. Cook this mixture for a while. Now add boiled pasta and mix it.

Your pasta will be cooked with the mixture in no time. Turn off the gas, your pasta is ready, add lemon juice and green coriander to it and mix and serve all.

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