Recipe: Maker delicious Paneer Frankie Roll for your children
Recipe: Maker delicious Paneer Frankie Roll for your children

You can make many paneer dishes. Paneer is a favorite of everyone, even if different dishes are prepared, then you can eat it with fun. Such children often insist on eating new things. If you make some specials at home keeping in mind their choice, then it will also be good for their health. Today we will tell you how to make a recipe of very tasty 'Paneer Frankie Roll'. Children will like this dish. Know the method of making it.


Grated Paneer - 100 grams
Flour Roti - 4
Potato - 2
Cabbage 1/4
Carrot - 1
Chaat Masala - 1/2 Table Spoon
Turmeric Powder - 1/4 Table Spoon
Red chili powder - 1/2 table spoon
Roasted Cumin Powder - 1 Table Spoon
Amchur - 1 table spoon
Chaat Masala - 1/2 Table Spoon
Coriander leaves - 2 tablespoons
Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
Salt - as per taste


To make Paneer Frankie, first put potatoes in the pressure cooker and boil it for 2 whistles. Then peel the boiled potatoes and mash them.

Grind the paneer and grate it. Now add potato, lemon juice, turmeric powder, mango powder, chaat masala and salt as per taste. Add finely chopped green coriander to it and mix well. Now make kebabs of its size.

Offer a pan on medium flame over the gas and add some oil to it and let it heat up. When the oil is hot, add these cooked kebabs and roast it. Fry these kebabs till they turn golden on both sides.

Finely chop the carrots and cabbage and keep them in a bowl. Now add chaat masala and salt and keep it in the fridge to cool down.

Take out the kebabs from the pan and keep them in a plate. Now place the bread made of refined flour on this pan and allow it to heat slightly. When the roti is hot, place a paneer kebab in it, put a little carrot and cabbage salad on top. Sprinkle some chaat masala and some roasted cumin powder in it.

Your Paneer Frankie roll is ready, serve it hot. You can serve it to children with any sauce of your choice.

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