The world knows that Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kareena Kapoor have been close friends for over a decade. Not only this but both the celebrities always manage to take some of their busy schedules and spend some quality time together. Recently Karan posted a photo on his social media account of him pouting it out with BFF Kareena Kapoor Khan.
Kareena and Karan posed for a photo as they hung out together in the city. Kareena Kapoor looks gorgeous sans makeup. The besties look lovely in red jackets and are color coordinated. Karan Johar captioned it, “youcantpoutwithus. Well, their pout is definitely on point, don’t you think?
About there friendship Karan said in an interview earlier to a publication, We have a connect. I always feel that if I were a man who would be interested, she would be the wife I wanted, or if I had to have a sibling, she would be the sister I never had, or if I was interested in dating women, she would probably be the woman I would want to date. Of course, she has her limitations and so does I.
On the other side, Kareena said that her male best friend is Karan Johar. Kareena and Karan recently became parents. Karan had said, “Bebo’s son Taimur is a few months older than Roohi and Yash, and she and I have already started making plans for holidays together!
On the work front, Kareena’s next film, Veere Di Wedding is slated to release on June 1, 2018