Lucknow PGI doesn't admit his own guard, dies due to lack of treatment
Lucknow PGI doesn't admit his own guard, dies due to lack of treatment

Lucknow: People go to PGI in Uttar Pradesh's capital Lucknow for treatment with high hopes, but now there is a case that has exposed the negligence of the hospital. In fact, a case of non-availability of treatment at his hospital for an employee working in PGI has come to light. Moreover, the hospital staff was sent 15 km away from treatment, he died due to a delay in treatment. The hospital administration has now started an inquiry into the whole matter. Action is being taken against the culprits.

According to information, Mithilesh Kumar was posted in Guard (Type 4) in PGI Lucknow. His duty was from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. There are other doctors, including the director of the PGI.  He rushed to the emergency ward of PGI with another guard after suffering chest pain at 5 am on the day of the incident. But the guard was not admitted there. They were told that the patient did not have an RT-PCR report of the corona. So he cannot be admitted.

The guard was then sent to Lokbandhu Hospital 15 km away for treatment. But the guard died due to delay after reaching the hospital. The post mortem has attributed the death to cold. The negligence of the hospital administration on the whole issue has been highlighted, which has been sent to another hospital without treatment. As a result, the director of the PGI has started an inquiry into the entire matter.

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