After Goa, Manipur becomes the second corona free state
After Goa, Manipur becomes the second corona free state

Imphal: The number of cases related to virus infection is continuously increasing in the country. The figure is increasing rapidly every day, which has become a cause for concern. But amidst all this, some relief news is also coming. CM of Manipur on Monday Biren Singh said that now there is not a single coronavirus case in his state.

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N. Biren Singh tweeted that I am very happy to say that Manipur is now a Corona Free State. The two patients who were exposed have now recovered. Now the test of both has come negative, so no new corona case has come up in the state. The CM further said that this has become possible due to strict adherence to the lockdown by the people of the state. However, there is still no possibility of complete easing from the lockdown in the state.

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On Sunday, Goa CM Pramod Sawant had announced that so far a total of 7 cases in Goa have become healthy, so there is no new coronavirus case in the state. For this, he thanked people who strictly followed the rules of lockdown. However, the CM of Goa also urged the people to strictly follow the lockdown till May 3 and not take any kind of negligence.

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