City SP on streets at night to oversee curfew, see photos
City SP on streets at night to oversee curfew, see photos

Dehradun: SP City along with its team were seen inspecting every area of Haridwar on cold nights on Tuesday night in view of the night curfew imposed in the state in view of the rising cases of coronavirus. At the same time, when some shops were found open, their operators were warned and released. On the other hand, those who came night shift from Sidkul and went on night shift were questioned and released.

The same Dharmanagari had a mixed effect on Tuesday night on the first day of the night curfew. There was silence on the streets and shops remained open. It was on the first day that the police also did not show any rigidity, but convince the people to follow the night curfew. SP City Swatanter Kumar Singh was seen in normal uniform with his team in normal uniform while interrogating persons roaming the streets at night in other areas including Harki Padi, Shivmurti, Devpura, Jwalapur, Ranipur Mode. Auto and e-rickshaw drivers were also stopped and questioned.

SP City Swatanter Kumar Singh also urged shopkeepers who were going back home after closing the shop to close the shops following the time. Seeing the car on the road after 11 pm, SP City signalled them to stop. After which the car driver was asked why he was walking at night. The car driver said he was returning from his uncle's house after dinner. After which they were allowed to leave. SP City Swatanter Kumar said that no toughness will be meted out to those who come night shift from Sidkul and go on night shift. If the police ask why they are roaming at night, people will have to tell them a proper reason.

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