Coronavirus reaches Tajnagri Agra, total number reaches 40 in India
Coronavirus reaches Tajnagri Agra, total number reaches 40 in India

Coronavirus infection is continuously increasing in India. The same has now found a suspected patient of coronavirus in Siddharthnagar district of Uttar Pradesh. This person along with his entire family has been kept in the isolation ward of Siddharthnagar District Hospital. On March 2, this Malaysian person had complained of difficulty in breathing and cold-cold. A sample of the person has been sent to Lucknow for investigation. Coronavirus infection will be confirmed only after the report comes.

For your information, let us tell you that during the continuous monitoring and sampling of the coronavirus in Agra, 39 samples were sent to Lucknow on 6 March for testing. In these samples, 1 person has been found to be corona virus-positive. This person also belongs to the same shoe business family, who returned from Italy a few days ago. 5 of these were already found to be corona positive. They are all undergoing treatment in isolation ward. In this way, the confirmed figure of coronavirus infection in Agra has become 6.

Two new suspects of Coronavirus were also identified on Saturday from Varanasi in UP. Both of these suspected corona patients are foreigners. Earlier, a foreign woman was also admitted to BHU in the fear of getting infected with Coronavirus. All three patients have been kept in isolation ward of super speciality center of BHU's Sir Sunderlal Hospital.

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