Panna Cotta with Caramel Sauce Recipe
Panna Cotta with Caramel Sauce Recipe

Are you also a fan of the desserts made in Italian cuisine? Well, Panna Cotta is a delicious dessert which you can prepare for your loved ones anytime and it can be enjoyed with any sauce or even fruits. How about a variation of this popular sweet dish topped up with the delicious caramel sauce? Panna Cotta with Caramel Sauce is the answer to all those sweet cravings that you have been having! This dessert recipe is drool-worthy that once you take a bite, you would experience the outburst of flavours. Prepared using buttermilk, heavy cream, sugar, brown sugar, gelatin, vanilla extract, and cinnamon, it can be made under an hour. So, what are your waiting for? Try this easy-to-make sweet dish and enjoy with your loved ones!

Ingredients of Pa3 cup buttermilk

3 teaspoon gelatin

1 cup brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon powdered cinnamon

10 tablespoon sugar

2 cup whipping cream

5 teaspoon vanilla extract

water as required

How to make Panna Cotta with Caramel Sauce

Step 1

To prepare this delicious dessert recipe, take a small bowl and mix together water and gelatin. Keep this bowl aside until gelatin softens for about 10-15 minutes.

Step 2

Now, take a pan and mix together ½ cup of sugar and 1 ½ cup of cream. Over a medium flame, stir in until the sugar dissolves. Bring it to a boil and when it starts to simmer, remove from heat and add gelatin mixture.

Step 3

Stir in until gelatin softens and let it cool slightly. Then, add buttermilk and 3 teaspoon vanilla extract and mix well. Pour the mixture in the ramekins equally. Ensure to only fill half of the ramekin.

Step 4

Cover and refrigerate until set for about 4-5 hours. Meanwhile, take another pan and add brown sugar along with the remaining cream. Over medium flame, stir in the mixture until sugar is dissolved completely and the mixture thickens. Bring it to a boil and let it simmer for a while until it is syrupy in form. The caramel sauce is ready!

Step 5

Remove from heat and add cinnamon powder and the remaining vanilla extract in the ramekins. Now, take them out carefully and remove the panna cotta from them. Top up with the caramel sauce and serve it. 


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